09 giugno 2014

" Inneres Auge - Das Innere Auge "

Franco Battiato - Inneres Auge

Come un branco di lupi 
che scende dagli altipiani ululando 
o uno sciame di api 
accanite divoratrici di petali odoranti 
precipitano roteando come massi da 
altissimi monti in rovina. 

uno dice che male c'è a organizzare feste private 
con delle belle ragazze 
per allietare primari e servitori dello stato? 

non ci siamo capiti 
e perché mai dovremmo pagare 
anche gli extra a dei rincoglioniti? 

che cosa possono le leggi 
dove regna soltanto il denaro? 
la giustizia non è altro che una pubblica merce… 
di cosa vivrebbero 
ciarlatani e truffatori 
se non avessero moneta sonante da gettare come ami fra la gente. 

la linea orizzontale 
ci spinge verso la materia, 
quella verticale verso lo spirito. 
con le palpebre chiuse 
s'intravede un chiarore 
che con il tempo e ci vuole pazienza, 
si apre allo sguardo interiore: 
inneres auge, das innere auge 

la linea orizzontale ci spinge verso la materia, 
quella verticale verso lo spirito. 
la linea orizzontale ci spinge verso la materia, 
quella verticale verso lo spirito. 

ma quando ritorno in me, 
sulla mia via, a leggere e studiare, 
ascoltando i grandi del passato… 
mi basta una sonata di corelli, 
perché mi meravigli del creato!

Franco Battiato - Inneres Auge ( video ufficiale - YouTube )

" Das innere Auge " , autore Stefano Cenzolo , anno 2014. — Germania.

24 febbraio 2014

Fotowettbewerb - " beautiful eye " von Stefano Cenzolo - COMPUTER BILD

Fotowettbewerb - " beautiful eye " von Stefano Cenzolo - COMPUTER BILD


„Das Goldene Foto 2014“.


Die neusten Bilder in der Kategorie „Menschen & Porträts”

Menschliche Gefühle mit der Kamera einzufangen, erfordert viel Fingerspitzengefühl. Sie haben das richtige Gespür für Emotionen? Dann zeigen Sie hier Ihre besten Fotos!

" beautiful eye " von Stefano Cenzolo
Hallo ! My name is STEFANO CENZOLO . I am a visionary artist. Ich liebe Digital Art ! I love to share with you my visions. Abstract is my favorite way to express myself ... I've always wanted a way to share my work with more people .
Stefano-Cenzolo | Hochgeladen am: 22.02.2014
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05 gennaio 2014

" The same Old Sun "

         " The Same Old Sun " autore Stefano Cenzolo ,Digital Art,2014 .


          Eric Woolfson - Lead Vocal

Tell me what to do
Now the light in my life is gone from me
Is it always the same
Is the night never ending

Tell me what to do
All the hopes and the dreams went wrong for me
There's a smile on my face
But I'm only pretending

Taking my life
One day at a time
Cause I can't think what else to do
Taking some time
To make up my mind
When there's no one to ask but you

The same old sun would shine in the morning
The same bright eyes would welcome me home
And the moon would rise way over my head
And get through the night alone

And the same old sun will shine in the morning
The same bright stars will welcome me home
And the clouds will rise way over my head
I'll get through the night on my own

Tell me what to do
Now there's nobody watching over me
If I seem to be calm
Well it's all an illusion
Tell me what to do
When the fear of the night comes over me
There's a smile on my face
Just to hide the confusion

Taking my life
One day at a time
Cause I can't think what else to do
Taking some time
To make up my mind
When there's no one to ask but you

The same old sun would shine in the morning
The same bright eyes would welcome me home
And the moon would rise way over my head
I'll get through the night alone

And the same old sun will shine in the morning
The same bright stars will welcome me home
And the clouds will rise way over my head
I'll get through my night on my own .

06 ottobre 2013

" Deep sea "

" Deep sea "  , autore Stefano Cenzolo , anno 2013 .

  The tide is swept along the shore
  While standing quiet in this place
  All the seagulls cry for more
  Among the reeds the birds are spaced.

The sun, in crashing waves reflects
Its beauty, shining through the deep
One pure light, without defect
While setting, puts the world to sleep.

  With a mighty roar and crash
  Casting shells upon the beach
  The waves against the rocks are bashed
  And gulls fly out of water's reach.

Of the depths no need to fear
Only beauty resides here.

Opere di Stefano Cenzolo

Stefano Cenzolo ” Blue Sky ” , anno 2012 .

” Blue Sky “  , anno 2012 .

Stefano Cenzolo ” Colors ” ( aprile 2012 ) — Weddingstedt, Schleswig-Holstein.

” Colors ” ( aprile 2012 ) — a Weddingstedt, Schleswig-Holstein.

Stefano Cenzolo 


" Viaggio nel Cosmo Interiore " , anno 2012 .

18 agosto 2013

What is ART ?

What is ART ?

 I could tell you that art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich. Imagine, just for a minute, a world without art! (You may think "So what?" but please consider the impact that lack of graphics would have on your favorite video game.) Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to riot, with a whole gamut of emotions in between. Art gives us a way to be creative and express ourselves. For some people, art is the entire reason they get out of bed in the morning. You could say "Art is something that makes us more thoughtful and well-rounded humans."

On the other hand, art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we may hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table where you are, right this minute. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art. All functional design, well done, is art. So, you could say "Art is something that is both functional and (hopefully) aesthetically pleasing to our eyes."

You might say "Art is in a constant state of change, so nobody can really pin down what it is." The constant change part is true, but the not pinning it down part is going to get you a bad grade. It may even raise a comment or two about your being some sort of wisenheimer. Don't go this route.

You might even say "Art is subjective, and means something different to every single person on earth." This, too, is the truth. I would caution against this approach, however, as it would require a stack of paper from here to the moon to cite all of your 6.8 billion references.

Now, everything just stated has elements of truth, but is largely based on opinion. My opinion is, frankly, useless in your paper-writing endeavor. Form your own opinions (that should be the reason you are receiving an education, after all), and be sure to sprinkle them in your answer ... which needs a factual basis, so here are the cold hard facts:

Art is form and content.

21 giugno 2013

Stefano Cenzolo - " Wonderful water "

Stefano Cenzolo

Ecco partorito il mio ultimo lavoro del mese di Giugno 2013 .
Appena pubblicato su Facebook ha riscontrato una buona accoglienza con un cospiquo numero di " MI PIACE " ... sono onorato e fiero ... questo e´ il bello di poter condividere i miei lavori tramite INTERNET oltre ai confini spazio-temporali ! 

" Wonderful water "  di Stefano CENZOLO - digital ART 

11 giugno 2013

Presentazione dell´ultimo mio lavoro

Weddingstedt , giugno 2013 : 

Ecco prender luce l´ultimo mio lavoro oggi realizzato .  Come in molti altri prevalgono i colori ,le aree cromatiche , i segni . E´un lavoro senza intrinsechi e complicati attributi simbolici  . Vuol essere semplice e leggero come un soffio d´aria , colorato e puro come come un fiore appena sbocciato , forte e pericoloso come un fulmine a ciel sereno .
Lascio al mio BLOG l´onere e l´onore di essere il trampolino di  lancio di   " CROMATICA - 2013 " . 


" CROMATICA - 2013 "  ,  lavoro di Stefano Cenzolo .

17 aprile 2013

Opera "" A Trip ... " di Stefano Cenzolo"- Celeste Network

" A Trip ... "

   Continua il viaggio nel mondo della mia Fantasia         visionaria ... da condividere con chi ha  
   il  piacere di seguirmi ! .                   

    Opera " A Trip ... "  di Stefano Cenzolo - Celeste Network  ( anno 2013 )